Powerful eyes

Back from the Nepal after 21 days of trip, here's one of the very first portrait taken there. We're in Katmandu, near to the Kumari (living Goddess) house. This man was seating at my lens level and give me this amazing look.

Who said the 180L is a macro lens?

One of the photos taken for my friend Christoph Vogelbusch. Natural lighting for the main part, plus a flash triggering (@ -1 EV). Ok, I admit it, with such a , you're not standing close to the subject, but… what a pleasure! About adjustments, I stuck with something natural, first because of the needs, also […]


That's it, I'm now back home after five weeks in Australia and more than 2000 shoots. As those ones are 80% already sortes, I would better tell you I should have enough pictures to post for a while! I hope I'll be able to post the first pictures next weeks, my schedule is quite filled! […]